Wednesday, October 28, 2009


It's just one of those days when I feel totally drained. Physically, mentally and emotionally. It's been a rough rough day and an emotional roller-coaster ride

Oct 28, will always be a special date for me for many reasons. One of which being the anniversary of my first class at Parkway Parade on Oct 28, 2006. 3 years ago. That also means that I've been conducting classes for 3 years. And that's 12 releases.

While the passion remains, sometimes I just feel physically weaker than before. Perhaps I'm getting older, perhaps my work has taken its toll, hours have restriced my gym time, stress has made me more lethargic, sometimes I really look forward to going NZ Auckland for those filming trips where I just get off from work and market levels and totally de-stress by going for classes.

Even when I want to dedicate more time to workout, I can't seem to find the time. I know I'm not the most sociable person around, I don't make effort to make new friends because I find that I'm already too busy to juggle my existing friendships to handle new ones.

Mentally, I'm drained. I'm lacking new ideas for both my work and my personal finances. It's draining to consistently think of profitable and executable ideas on a DAILY BASIS. I'm freaking tired.

Recently, I made some promises, both to myself and my potential business partners on setting up a small business. I need some capital to do that. I need to fulfill my promise, and generate some returns of my own.

Emotionally, today was such an emotional roller-coaster that I'm completely worn out.

How do I explain the delight when I knew that I'll be the first one that sent tt out?

How do I explain the resignment I felt when I realised certain things should be kept the way it is?

How do I explain the 'sian-ness' at having to go to office just like it was another day at work?

How do I explain the exhilaration I felt when I was driving through PIE during lunchtime?

How do I explain the satisfaction I felt at my negotation skills?

How do I explain the disgust at being accused of something I didn't do?

How do I explain the seething anger of being screamed at over the phone, by a customer who has made money in a 100% of her 60+ trades, but is in a paper deficit for just 1 trade which hasn't even been realised yet? Sore loser.

How do I explain the exasperation at being threatened by a BITCH?

How do I explain my relief at meeting one of my best friends, Mr Scorpio, to treat him a birthday dinner and release all my frustrations?

I could do with a break. Really. I wished I had chosen Plan A. Right now, I wouldn't be doing all this.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tracks from the 20s

With BC41 fully out of the way, I've started mixing the tracks for my classes once again. I'm due a personal review on BC41, which I'll probably get down to writing soon.

Anyway for my recent classes, I've been mixing tracks from the 20s releases, namely the D&R tracks from BC21-30. It's been fantastic, the reception has been wonderful, and the decibels have been rising. I realise many of us (including myself) do love the tracks from these releases, and have been having a blast in class.

These releases were the ones that I'm most familiar with, because this was the period when I started falling in love with BC, and started to notice the tracks. I was trained in BC27, started TT during BC29 days, and my first proper new release was BC30.

Back then because there weren't that many releases and tracks to choose from, I mainly rotated from BC21-30 post-launch, with the occasional odd tracks from BC13-20. No offence to Nathaniel and Gabby, but I just prefer Dan & Rach's tracks.

Even now, the memories of yesteryear still linger strongly and I can still remember how I felt when the releases were launched.

I didn't remember much about BC21/22 - maybe I didn't really enjoy the releases then. BC23 was the first release where I really loved the music and moves. The mickey mouse tone in 'Stuck On You' where everyone would automatically shout on the RH kicks. Then there was 'Field of Dreams', which was love at first hear, and how the crowd loved doing the 'Energy' part. Even 18 releases later, Field of Dreams is one of my all time favourites. 'Hardcore Paradise' blew me away then. I couldn't get enough of it, though now it's slightly more subdued cos I found other MT tracks I like more. What about that shoulder blaster in 'Retro Rush'. Solid. 'Breathe Easy' had that lovely kata.

BC24, after such a fantastic BC23 release, was a letdown. From the get-go, I think participants were disappointed. The warm up deviated from the usual shout on RH kicks, cos the choreo was a shuffle forward then RH. A bit of momentum lost there. I remember how our gang simply refused to do the circular uppercuts in 'I Feel Alive'. 'She Bangs' was probably a universal disaster across classes as most people didn't want to get down on the floor. The other tracks didn't really capture our imagination.

BC25 was a release I remember for special reason. I bumped into this instructor (shan't reveal who) who was practising the new release, and I basically got a full preview of the entire class prior to launch. The release was a breath of fresh air. Catchy songs such as 'Angels' and 'Luv U More' wowed the crowd, and it was hilarious when people couldn't get the step pattern in the latter track. 'Jigga Jigga' - what adjective can I allocate this track? At that point of time, I could have sworn it was the best track ever. 'Power of Love' the speedball and stomp track is from this release too. Everyone loved it. The T7/8 combo of 'Electro Violence' and 'Crescendoes of Ecstasy' wasn't the instructors' favourites, but they have remained one of my favourites even now.

BC26 - a semi-letdown? The upper warm up was dreadfully boring, 'Scream' was a power track that virtually all instructors (including myself) have binned. The redeeming factor for this release was T7/8 - 'Rhythm & Police' and 'Night Life'. The dark music got the mood going and I can hardly remember the number of times I got high on these 2 tracks. There were hits and misses for this release.

BC27 - I trained in this release, and did it so many times in training that I got a little bored of the release when it was finally launched. There were a few fantastic tracks in this release. During launch, I felt that the warm up was the best ever. The 'Bom Bom Suenan' sounds really got me going. 'Genie in a Bottle' was slightly subdued but there were refreshing tracks such as 'Tribal Dance', 'Bad & Sexy'. 'So What' was the feature of the release for me with its jump knees. 'Neckbreaker' busted my lungs. How about the cooldown - what a lovely way to finish the class.

BC28 - This was the first ever release that I liked T1 to T8. 'The Final Countdown', 'Come With Me' came from this release. Who could possibly hate 'Hymn'? Such an energetic number. During launch, I knew the classes hated 'Hung Up'. It was something different and many people just walked out. I was disappointed. Then there was 'Fight' - the first ever Rock based Muay Thai track, which I love to bits even now. Then 'Reach Out'? I loved the buildup for this track. The best thing from this release? The cooldown - Because Of You.

BC29 - This was a very good release that featured the double knife strike in the warm up as well as T6 - 'Vogue'. I knew several instructors hated 'Action' but not me. I loved 'Fly Away' and 'Heartbeatz'. There was one track which I binned - 'Blade'. Loved the cooldown 'Broken'.

BC30 - This was the first release that I had to learn as an instructor and I can't really comment from the participant point of view. All I can say is that I'm ashamed that I hated this release from the start (just after receiving the DVD) because after I practised and launched the full class, I loved this release to bits. Fav tracks include the lower warm up 'Somebody Told Me', 'Shooting Star', 'Rock Me Amadeus' - love love love this ESK track! Those were the days when I was still starting out new, and I was terribly conscious of the fact that I'll not be a good role model if I can't execute the ESK well, so I definitely spent some time practising this move. I kept doing ESK tracks in my class and had to endure a series of walkouts for this track. Guess 11 releases down the road, this has paid dividends.

Well, I've written a bit more than what I had expected to, all this just came to mind and I wrote it all out. Sometimes I really miss being just a participant, where I don't know much and can just enjoy my class as it is. But it's like once you've swam to the other shore, you can't really swim back.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Leave And Travel

With 2.5 months to go before 2010, I daresay that I've more or less wrapped up my travel plans for the year.

There's a mini weekend getaway to Genting, as well as a quarterly trip (extended) to Bangkok, though I have a little issue of having another 4 days to clear. The initial plan was to go London (that fell through for reasons I loathe to mention), plan B was to go Auckland for another round of filming but now I have to cast it aside as I've booked myself to Genting during filming period, and plan C... I'm just stuck there for the time being. Got a friend who wants to go but can't confirm.

When I started working, and didn't have much money, I yearned for more moolah in my bank account. I did foolish things like selling my much coveted leave back to the company for more pay (at junior level compensation too). In retrospect, that was silly.

Now that I've worked for a few years, and have a healthy bank balance, the thing I yearn for most is leave. Those precious days where you can basically do anything you want. I'll be the first to admit that I have travelled quite a bit this year, but hey, since when is travelling enough?

The last thing I want is to spend the 4 days rotting in Singapore, but then again, where can I go, or rather, where should I go? I'm perfectly comfortable going to a foreign land by myself, so I'm wondering if I should go ahead with the booking and wait for my friend to just join me if schedule permits.

I've travelled for many purposes - sightseeing, relaxation, business trips, LM filming, quarterlies, so I'm trying to find something new. And this new thing could be - travelling for sporting events.

I'm an avid football fan and tennis fan as well so the idea definitely appeals to me. Travel to a different part of the world to catch a sporting event. Kinda like my trip to Europe this year where I caught the Roland Garros (French Open tennis) Men's final. That was spontaneous and wasn't planned and cost me a mini bomb. 300 Euros for the ticket.

And talking about cost considerations, going for sporting events isn't cheap. Just the thought of ticket prices is enough to scare most people. It's difficult as it is to find a fellow enthusiast, but it's even more freaking difficult to find someone who is willing to pay such prices.

Shall I shelf the plans?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

BC41 Launch

Here are some pics from the launch.

Before BC41

Before BC41

Track 2

Track 4

Track 4

Track 8

Track 8

After BC41

Love this release, and loved the atmosphere on Sunday. Thanks everyone for their support and we hope to have more fantastic launches in future!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Beauty Of Music

I should be in bed early for tmr's class but somehow I'm keeping myself awake listening to all those BB tracks.

I must have been inspired by the BB class earlier in the afternoon, and I went to dig out my old releases and playlists. Some of my all-time favourites came back to memory again.

So why does BB work for me and not yoga? Essentially, what works for me in a mind-body class is allowing myself to get in touch with my emotions and my thoughts. And BB music allows me to do that. It's about giving myself that precious time to just relax and chill out.

How often do we allow ourself an hour to just soak in and listen to all those emotional and heart-wrenching songs? Sometimes you just need a certain mood and setting to feel those songs.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

BA and BB

I took some time off my regular schedule and ventured into unfamiliar territory. Did a BA and BB double. I do these 2 programs but I haven't had the time to do these classes recently.

BA - the instructor happened to be my coursemate for BA62, it was a sheer coincidence btw, and we did the entire BA62 release, so it was nice to hear all the songs we went through during training.

BB - I think this was the one which really got me back into the mood. There were moments in the class where I was really telling myself if I should return to taking up this program again. The instructor played mainly tracks from the 20s releases, this was the period back in 2005 when I really fell in love with the program. BB was my first training prog anyway.

I spent the whole day chilling out, and right now I'm catching up on all the old BB songs, there's just so many of time I love so much. I still haven't planned my BC tracks for my 2 hr class tomorrow yet. I guess I'll do it before I sleep.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Leave / Travel Plans

Just finalised my leave plans for the rest of the year. Submitted official leave via the system and now pending the approval of my direct boss.

Everyone around me seems to be having travel plans so I'm feeling terribly envious. Life is Singapore is so stressful that I have this burning desire to have a short getaway.

7 days left, and I have decided to split them 4 and 3. The latter has already been scheduled for a quarterly workshop in Q4 '09. I will combine it with a holiday to totally rest and recharge myself.

The first 4 days - still a big question mark. I think I have a rough idea of where I want to go and what I want to do. And the first day, ironically, has been scheduled on an important date in my life, 28 Oct, which also happens to be the date of my first ever class. (This is purely coincidental and not intended to create any unnecessary drama. The selection of this date is to facilitate any of the 3 plans below)

Plan A - There is some unfinished business that can only be resolved by heading to this destination. This is also the trip that has panned out in my mind for the longest time. In trading terms, there are some open positions which need to be closed/squared off. There will be a football match I want to watch, a song I hope to sing, and a cake I wish to eat. Yet, none of these may materialise. I am telling myself that this will be the final capital injection, failing which, I should perhaps cut my losses.

Plan B - This is the trip that will make me contented and happy. There will be things for me to do and enjoy. There will be excitement and fulfillment. There will be rest from the hectic life I'm so used to over here. There will be no stress. There will be smiles. There will be things to share about.

Plan C - Venture into the unknown, a different culture, a different language. Honestly, I wouldn't really know what I would achieve by going here, but it's more of an escape from reality. Am I game enough to tackle the unknown? Am I venturous enough to step into unchartered territory? Do I have time to sit down and plan where I want to go? It could be an awesome adventure.

Deep down inside my heart, I already know which is the one I want to go most. I'm just waiting for my leave to be approved. I know I'm going to bust my travel budget, should I go ahead with any of these plans. But it will be well worth it.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

BC41 masterclass

Attended the BC41 masterclass this morning with a bunch of instructors and trainees for the new batch of trainees who are doing BC. These lucky folks get to do the new release BC41!

Personally, I think it's great to do a new release for your training. Everybody gets a fair shot and the excitement is there. Excitement of doing something new before everyone else does it.

I remember my own course during BC27. It was a brand new release before launch, but at the end of the 3 days, I was pretty much sick and tired of the tracks that I think the 'bored to death' effect still lingers. When I think of BC27, I think of sian, but actually the release is pretty good.

What can I say about BC41? I really enjoyed it. Whenever I go for filmings, most of the time I don't really remember the tracks because I only do it a couple of times and it's simply not enough to sink in.

Now that I'm back, looked at the DVD and done the class proper, I must say this release is a good one. And yes, I definitely stick to my opinion that BC41 is superior over BC40. BC39, I still rate it higher though.

For me, the standout tracks - 'T4 Enter Sandman/Boom' and 'T7 Desolation Row'. I particularly liked 'T8 What Do You Want From Me' as well. Finished with a fantastic cooldown in Halo.

Physically, BC40 will be more challenging, BC41 is slightly more complex and the music is more varied. I did mention in my previous post that not everyone will like the new music cos it depends on each individual's taste.

Whatever the case, we are launching BC41 end of the month, so I honestly can't wait.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Snippets of BC41 First View

Just got my DVD packs today - BC41, BA66 and BB46. No prizes for guessing which one I watched first. =)

In fact I reached home slightly over midnight after my usual 8:30pm class, but there's no stopping me, I still have to watch it otherwise I'm not going to be able to sleep.

- Some of the tracks which didn't sink in to me when I was in NZ have grown on me
- My head can be seen bobbing up and down in the entire class. Haha.
- The warm up is over 9mins but didn't feel like it. I really like the 'numa numa' sounds for the upper sequence.
- T4 is freaking awesome, esp the second song 'Boom'
- Rach gave a shout out 'Come on Singapore' in T6.
- T7 Muay Thai is unbelievably infectious. I am so in love with this track
- T8 didn't sink into me that much when I was there, now that I'm watching this track on DVD, I'm quite sure this will be a huge hit. Fantastic.
- T10 Halo. Already one of my favourites because I just love the song so much.
- Spotted myself in the class on 3 occasions.

I'm going to have so much fun learning this release!

PS - I'm watching BA66 now and the first 3 tracks ROCK big time. - Just Dance, Womaniser and Fly On The Wall.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Purple Haze

This evening, a chat with someone (whom shall not be named, a la Harry Potter style) jolted my memories back to 2008.

I don't know what happened, but the conversation came to BB, and I suddenly remembered this particular track during the Global Summit (Feb 2008) from BB41. It's titled Purple Haze.

As I had not gone for the any of the rehearsals, it was my first time doing that track. And I was sure many of the hundreds of the trainers in the filming class was doing it for the first time too.

What I remembered were the goose pimples that came up as the track concluded, and I was very sure I wasn't the only one feeling that. Nobody in that filming class could have missed the vibes in the air.

I wonder if anyone else remembers...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Call Me When You're Sober

There's just something about this track that captivates me. Despite it not being a crowd favourite, (and I know it will never be one), it remains one of my favourites ever. I fell in love with this track the first time I saw it, and I'm still in love with it.

For me, this track is just like an amazing combination. I love the band, I love the song, it's emotional and powerful, and I love the ESK, so having the ESK in a track I love is a bonus. How about the choreo? It just fits in perfectly and this track was produced in the releases of the early 30s, which in my opinion, were the most creative period in D&R's reign.

The sort of variation in the tracks were so unpredictable that I actually looked forward to what new moves were coming out and how the combos were going to fit into the track. Of late, they've returned to the tried and tested - a winning formula, no doubt, but I do miss the creativity and the unpredictability.

Even though I know that most participants probably won't like this track, sometimes I choose to include it in my playlist just for myself. A little selfish I know, but that's just one of the perks of being an instructor cos I get to decide on the playlist. I attend other instructors' classes quite often though but I haven't experienced any other instructor playing the song post launch, so I guess the only opportunity I get to do it is if I play the track in my own class.

It's quite a workout if one does the track correctly. It keeps you moving non-stop!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Songs On Playlist

In life, sometimes we must look ahead.

Beyonce's Halo has been my earworm (just learnt this new word a few days back) recently and it's been a major feature in my playlist. Can't seem to get the song out of my head still.

But it's time to make room for some new (or maybe old) songs in my playlist. Was just talking to Lynn a few days back and I was rather surprised to discover that she follows the brit bands, alternative rock, and indie bands quite well.

We threw out a few names and the likes of Blur, Oasis, Suede sprang to mind. I remember attending the concerts... jumping to the likes of Blur's Song 2, anyone remembers?

A search for my favourite track from Oasis - Don't Look Back In Anger - brought back several memories.

Well, for a start, I'll like to feature 2 songs which may be of interest to some. Anyone remembers Linkin Park? They do have a few brilliant hits, but recently I've been listening to 'Numb'.

My favourite part - "every step that I take is an another mistake to you..."

What's the best song to follow that? Maybe something light like Kelly Clarkson? Not really a big fan of her though I do like 'Because Of You' from BC28, I keep playing it for my cooldowns...

Maybe try this one - I Do Not Hook Up.

Every song deserves a Second Chance.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Day Like This

I really enjoyed today's public holiday. How I yearn for more days like this. The day was just spent on thoughts, thoughts and thoughts. While I do enjoy classes on a PH, more often than not, it takes away the entire day, and a few hours of recuperation right after.

The day very nearly turned out similar to the previous routine of public holidays. I was already in my car heading towards the expressway before I got an SMS. Without further ado, I aborted original mission and made a hasty return.

It was perhaps a blessing in disguise I wasn't conducting any class today, for I wouldn't have the luxury to make that split second decision. A quick coffee, before a ride to an unexpected lunch, and I actually took a cab home because I was 20mins away from home, with my car keys in my pocket but without my car. Bizarre, I know, but interesting experience. It would never have worked out a few years ago.

An intended nap did not materialise and I logged on, thinking of planning my Europe trip later this year (with a plan B elsewhere if plan A fails). Having been in this 'stuck in limbo' position for so long has left me accustomed to prepare plan B each time round. There have been invitations to Spain and certain countries in Asia, but I think chilly weather and rainy days would suffice over the Mediteranean sunshine. I place all my hopes for a successful plan A, but plan B wouldn't be too bad an alternative and perhaps more relevant to this little domain.

This fear and anticipation has crippled my thoughts over the past few days, but I've finally made full use of the day to settle my thoughts.

Halfway through my planning, the appearance of a friend led to an innocuous question and subsequently unravelled a series of events. I drove down to my friend's place, whisked him off to the automobile megamart to check out cars. It was an eventful afternoon, but as we wrapped things up, we headed for dinner.

During dinner, we suddenly thought of another friend and asked him out and he arrived pronto. Everything was so impromptu, and things flowed in a nice manner. I really like spontaneity.

Talking about being spontaneous, there's this wacky idea that me and some close friends came up with. We take one day leave, pack 3 days of clothing, turn up at the airport and see where the adventure leads us, no plans, no nothing. If all else fails, we check ourselves in at Sentosa for a beach getaway. Till now, it's been all NATO (No Action, Talk Only), so I'll be keen to see if this notion becomes a reality. It's been difficult trying to get everyone together on the same date though, given our busy schedules.

As I end this entry and my enjoyable public holiday, I leave with this track - one of my favourites from Bodybalance, which some of you may have done in the handful of classes I've done.

Nothing about the lyrics, I just feel the music of this track for the night.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

One From 40

Someone asked me, "What is your favourite track out of 40 BC releases?" Thought for a while... too many to choose, but my answer would be... BC34's Believe In Me.

I still remember the first time I listened to it. I fell in love with the track instantly. And the first time I did it? It was an absolute killer and would have killed me if I didn't pace myself. Didn't expect how a simple track (in terms of choreo) can be so tough.

I think what sets this apart from the others that I like, is the raw emotions that this track brings out every single time.

Friday, July 31, 2009


Today was the confirmation of the inevitable. While I accept that changes are part and parcel of life, it is still difficult to accept reality sometimes.

Was originally slated to be the third to make the move, but for some bizarre twist, I'm gonna be the first guinea pig. Two more, or maybe just one will follow suit, but at a later date.

It's all very surreal. It's happening too soon, and while I have been given ample time to buffer the inevitable, it still smacked right on my face.

The afternoon was particularly disruptive as I didn't really know how I was feeling. As I peered out of the window, at the magnificent view just beside me, my colleague mentioned that what I would miss the most is this splendid sight right before me. I couldn't help but snap a few pictures. Another colleague came over and took a few photos of me at my seat.

Strangely, quite a few came to me to ask me how I would feel about the change. If I were a logical person, I would list down the pros and cons and then decide what works best. But ZJ doesn't operate this way. I go with my heart, my mood and my feelings.

The plus side is that I will be able to make it for 730pm classes any day of the week. Which makes me wonder if I should.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lights Out

There are some tracks that are just simply tougher than the rest.

I revisited BC3404 Lights Out for my Monday evening class and it nearly had me lights out after the track! But this track remains one of my favourites and I reckon, one of the most challenging tracks ever. It's definitely not easy to teach, but it does feel extremely satisfying each time after I do this track.

I went back to check out my excel spreadsheet, and if you take away the 10 classes during launch period (I was on 5 classes a week then), I've only done this track another 11 times prior to today, the last 2 dating 10 Jan and 25 Apr this year.

There were a few times I bailed out on this track right in the middle of the class if there were some newcomers and I thought that it would be too complex or too challenging for them. And there were also some occasions when I would have liked to have done this track, but I felt very tired and lethargic from work, and didn't feel confident enough to present the track in the manner that I would have liked to.

I think the conclusion to myself is that I should do it more often, to challenge not only myself, but everyone!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Video Killed The Radio Star

Back in the good old years, I used to listen to the radio every single night, without fail. 98.7FM Perfect 10. I've won quite a bit of items from Perfect 10, from a $100 cash voucher, to a Swatch watch, to movie tickets, to memorabilia, to anything you can think of. I was slightly luckier than some of my friends and classmates who didn't tune in any less.

Over the past few years, there's just been so many changes and I realised I've stopped listening to radio for a while. First, my radio at home broke down (the one which also plays cassette, so you figure out how old it is) and it was never replaced. Second, I succumbed to the internet age, and spent my youth playing games like Counter-Strike or Championship Manager.

I never had a pocket radio tuner, and even when I got my Creative mp3 and later iPod, it was mainly BC tracks I listened to in preparation for classes.

Recently, I've started tuning in to radio stations again, courtesy of my car. The car is still the best thing I bought myself, I love those moments when I drive to and back from work, when I will just zone out into my personal space and listen to the radio. My favourite moments are of course driving home late at night with the radio on. 'Me' time for me to sort my thoughts out. It also tends to be a bit more 'feeling feeling', maybe because of the songs they play at night.

The 90s saw a massive emergence of alternative rock bands, which really captured my heart with their music. Thus, I always feel very nostalgic when I listen to this particular category of songs.

Driving to work this morning, I heard this song that put me in the 'feeling feeling' mode. I went to office, googled the song lyrics, and found out that it was actually a track by the Killers - Human.

Some of you may know that The Killers is also the artiste for BC30's lower body warm up, Somebody Told Me, which also happens to be one of my favourites, along with Mr Brightside. For those of you who are interested, can check this song out.

And in the same morning, I heard another song that got me into the mood. Then I realised that it was the theme song for this year's National Day. It's by Electrico - What Do You See. I love this song already.

Sometimes the radio brings the loveliest moments in life.

BC41 Muay Thai

Cover of My Chemical Romance's cover version of Desolation Row. This is very my kind of music. =)

Interesting Evening

I enjoy food, but I'm no expert in food critic, so it was a surprise when (HGW) contacted me and asked me to join them in a food tasting session this evening.

It was quite an enjoyable evening, meeting the founders of HGW, as well as a couple of food tasting aficionadoes, having a sumptuous dinner hosted by the restaurant we were reviewing.

Had a nice chat with the chef, and I was quite surprised to hear that our PM Lee Hsien Loong actually patronises the restaurant a couple of times a year. Visited the kitchen, and discussed about ingredients and cooking styles.

I have half a mind to return to the kitchen this weekend, but I know I'll be too lazy. The last time I cooked was way back in 2003 when I cooked for my apartment mates in the US almost everyday. It's funny how you don't eat much after you do all the cooking.

Anyway, still very surprised at the sudden invite, given that I've not really been an active reviewer at HGW for a while now. Wonder if I'll get invited for future food tasting sessions.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Three Years Of My Life

I had a nightmare last night. I dreamt that I brought a friend to look at cars, and ended up selling my car. After I sold my car, I had to take taxi wherever I wanted to go and it was absolutely torturous for me. Luckily I woke up and realised it was only a nightmare. I think I'm slowly falling into a category of people who can't go back to public transport once they made the switch to driving.

I had dinner with a friend today. Me and him go a long way back. We were enemies in 2004, and 5 years later, who would have thought that we'll be having dinner and dessert, talking about the person who made us enemies then.

We had ramen at Santouka at Central. For those who like ramen, I do recommend this place, do try the ultra fatty 'pork cheek'. I know a gym instructor shouldn't be getting people to eat unhealthy food, but I'd say its worth the fat. =)

We took a short walk to Clarke Quay and had ice-cream, before I sent him home, all the way in Jurong West.

After he alighted, I thought to myself, since I'm all the way here, might as well make a trip to my alma mater (NTU, for the non-Singaporeans reading this, it means Nanyang Technological University) to see how much has changed.

I took a slow drive around the campus, going past the halls, all dark and quiet given that it is still semester break, and I even stopped somewhere and took a walk along the school compounds, passing all the lecture theatres and peering inside the tutorial classrooms which I went before.

It brought back all the memories of my 3 years in NTU. I've always hated school and dreaded going for classes because I didn't stay in campus and going to school was a 1hr 15min affair. But as I was walking along the corridors, I realised that I missed the place. I missed the old days when life was much simpler, I missed my close friends.

What I miss most was the time outside school during university days. Those were the best days of my life. They still are. I can't bring it back, but I can remember.

As I left the university and headed towards the expressway, a thought manifested in my head, maybe I should visit my old army camp which I spent 2 years of my life there since it's along the way home. I looked at the time, and reckoned that perhaps this episode should be left for another day.

Friday, July 17, 2009


It's been over a year since I made the switch to my current job. In the process of doing so, I gave up 3 weekday classes because I can no longer commit myself the time of making it to the gym at 730pm sharp.

The past 1 year has been great, I found an environment that I liked, a team of colleagues that I really love working with, and us rubbing ideas of one another on a daily basis. Sadly, the team is going to be disintegrated soon due to several changes - promotion, sabbatical, expansion, relocation, resignation.

I'm going to be part of the change via the form of relocation. I'm not so sure what life would be like after relocation. There's still a few months to go before it happens though.

One has already gone for sabbatical, the other is pending a transfer, and one more is pending a portfolio switch. The mood has changed slightly in the small little room, but we still enjoy it.


What a team we have. It's a motley crew of different backgrounds, and almost the entire team are punters. You name it, we have it. From equities to FX to indices to futures to bonds to commodities, there'll be someone trading it. I love the high adrenaline of the dealing room, I love the shouts and evil laughters everyday.

But it's all going to change too soon. In my short working lifespan, I've already realised that change is the only thing that is constant. I do hope for better things to come, even though this has been the best ever yet.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


What a difference one day makes. Was sitting on paper losses of over NZD4,300 yesterday but miraculously the market moved in my favour tremendously and I took profit on EURNZD @ 2.20. NZD2,000 realized gains, I shan't be greedy. =)

I thought it was a bad trade yesterday but it turned out to be alright in the end.

Maybe I can make another trip to Auckland later this year.

Expensive Evening

Tonight was one of my best evenings ever in a very long time, I would say in 3-4 years, but it also proved to be an expensive one. I made my worst trading call in my entire history.

I had some lingering issues with someone and tonight was the night when I cleared many issues, and to a certain extent this warrants an entry here because I would not have become an BC instructor if I wasn't motivated by this person.

There were a few occasions when I had the thought of giving up classes because I didn't like the public profile, (I'm a true blue Cancerian who really does appreciate 'me' time), but the passion just kept me going.

Of course, I must jot this down to remind myself of such mistakes, and also to remind myself that open positions should be fully squared if I want to enjoy a nice evening out without interruption.

Just prior to leaving office, I went to long EURNZD @ 2.19 for EUR200,000 only to see the value come down by NZD400 almost instantly. When the level went up, I had a chance to take profit of NZD1,200 immediately but I was greedy. I wanted more. So I left the position open and happily went for gym and dinner after that.

When I just reached home, I'm down by about NZD4,300, no thanks to a strong NZD. Come on NZD, come down by a bit more so I can cover my position and maybe even go NZ for another trip again haha. This ranks as my worst trade ever. Now I'm wondering if I should actually square the position and cut loss, or leave it there until the level comes back.

Moral of the story?
1. If you know you're going to have a great uninterrupted evening, close all your positions first.
2. Money can be earned back, but misunderstandings can never be resolved if left to fester.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

BC41 Tracklist

So the BC41 tracklist is out there on the net, I got my updates from Glen (who's been doing a great job with all the updates). With the complete tracklist out, it more or less fills up all the gaps in my memories - I couldn't remember much after just doing BC41 a couple of times in Auckland, filming inclusive.

One thing I do know about this upcoming release is that the music in this release is one of the most varied ever. There's so many different genres, which also means that not all the tracks will appeal to everyone. For starters, I know some who participated in the filming mentioned they didn't like some of the tracks.

For instance, how many of you liked BC32's Welcome To The Black Parade? I personally love it to bits. But I know some don't like it.

So during the BC41 filming a few months back in Auckland, I mentioned to Junwei (of FF) that I loved the MT track, but it didn't do much for him. Then the tracklist came out and the MT happens to be a cover of Desolation Row (the one more similar to Chemical Romance's version). Immediately, I understood why I loved the MT track then. That genre works for me. My favourite part of this track is the start of the cheeky body rips.

I'm going to put my hand up and say I prefer BC41 over BC40. There are a few tracks which really worked for me, but I must say that there is one particular track which didn't work for me. But I'm not going to reveal which one it is because I want every track to have a fair shot when we launch. One man's meat is another's poison. Who knows, I may get tonnes of requests for that particular track I'm talking about.


Quite true for me - from

Cancer is the fourth sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Crab. Cancer individuals are intelligent, organized, generous, home-loving, and tenacious. They are also devoted to family members and provide enormous emotional support.

The Cancer Man

Cancer men can be loving and attentive one minute, remote and unreachable the next. They have the potential to be a bohemian or a family man. They are adaptable to family life, which means a great deal to them. They cherish their children and often take an active role in their upbringing.

The Cancer Woman

The Cancer woman has a strong maternal instinct and the desire to make her home a place of domestic bliss. They have great loyalty to family members and close ties to their mothers. They also have a large circle of friends and associates. The typical Cancer woman looks beyond her career or home-centered activities to find interests through which she can contribute to others.

The Cancer Child

Children born under the sign of Cancer are quiet, reflective, and prefer to be seen and not heard. They may have a difficult time being part of a group, allowing themselves to be dominated by more aggressive youngsters. Parents of Cancerian children need to be especially helpful in their social development, teaching them to assert their individuality and independence. These children are rarely discipline problems, though they can become excessively moody and depressed during adolescence.

The Cancer Lover

Cancerian individuals are extremely romantic and passionate people. They enjoy all the traditional rituals of wooing and winning a sweetheart and usually opt for marriage or a long-term relationship. They make loyal mates and will champion their spouse's career and expect the same in return. These individuals are keenly attuned to the needs and wants of their partner; they are exceptionally sensitive lovers.

The Cancer Friend

With their gentle and caring spirit, Cancerians are the ones to whom others turn with problems, worries, and life-choice concerns. Despite their ability to support and nurture their pals, they do not make friends easily. This may be because they take friendship seriously and don't bother to indulge superficial associations. They are often shy people who wait for friendships to develop instead of actively pursuing them.

For those born on July 1

Cancers born on July 1 are extraordinary people who spend their entire lives striving for perfection. They have great emotional fragility, yet their spirit is actually strong. Even though they are good-hearted and generous, these people seem to draw complications and controversy into their midst.

Friends and Lovers

July 1 individuals need a diverse group of friends who will understand their varied and sometimes dark moods and sympathize with them. In love and romance, they have an idealistic view of what it should be and are sure to be disillusioned at some point in their lives.

Children and Family

These sensitive individuals are tied to childhood memories. It doesn't matter if the memories themselves are happy or unhappy -- the July 1 person will hold on to them. As parents, they have a loving nature and a genuine sweetness; this provides a happy haven for their children.


Regular exercise not only helps to keep July 1 natives in good physical condition, it also serves as a liberating factor. When they vent their emotionalism through a good workout, they feel healthy in body, mind, and spirit.

Career and Finances

July 1 natives often seek careers in the caring professions. They make excellent nurses, counselors, and teachers. Finances are generally favorable for these individuals. They have a good head for business and can usually manage their own money.

Dreams and Goals

The ambitions of July 1 individuals are usually quite modest; they need to feel secure and happy in their domestic lives and will sacrifice a great deal to make this come true. They are humanitarian and often spend a good deal of their spare time helping friends.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


iPhone 3GS...

I want...

But I don't have...

And this wasn't without effort too. I made a pre-booking a few nights ago. Queued over 3 hours earlier on for the coveted phone, but the queue wasn't moving as fast as I would have liked. Aborted at 10:15pm while queueing to enter stage 3. There are a total of 6 stages, and we were told it could take 3 more hours.

When I went for a toilet break, and saw the entire process and queues at each respective stage, I decided to cut my losses and give up the pursuit. In truth, I didn't know what the big hoo-ha was all about and seriously was not mentally prepared to go thru this arduous task. (Plus I also thought about my 2 classes tmr)

But I really take my hat off to those people who were willing to queue that long. You guys deserve the phone.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Call Me When You're Sober

Still love this after all these years.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

BC40 Review

Been wanting to write this for a while, but kept procrastinating cos I was rather busy lately. Well here it is, with the usual disclaimer that this is my personal opinion to the tracks.

T1 - Layla (Carribean Mix)/Hot n Cold
I found the upper warm-up slightly repetitive and a little boring. Reminded me of BC35's Amazed. The entire upper warm-up track was rather long for me. The only entertaining part was the 'put your hands up in the air'

However, I loved Katy Perry's track for the lower warm-up. It was a really catchy song with parts that everyone could sing along to, and there were some variations to the usual moves. Will definitely recycle this track due to the 'Hot n Cold'

T2 - I Know Kung-Fu
I found this track ok. Didn't have the wow factor for me, though I acknowledge that there was some variation. Not the standard T2 (Combat 1) where there is usually a combo with an added roundhouse kick.

T3 - Sweetheart
I love love love this track. Love the song, love the moves, love the ache on the shoulder. This track was long, but it didn't feel long at all. The 4 hooks on the same side definitely burnt those arms.

T4 - Power Of The Mind/Tubthumping
Another one of those tracks with mixed feelings. Nailing the timing for this track was a challenge from the start, but after getting the timing right, this track can be dramatic. The esquiva portion in Tubthumping provides a real workout to the legs, but I must say I haven't exactly warmed up to the idea of split tracks in T4. I didn't like BC37 and BC38's T4 (split tracks) and sad to say this one I also didn't really like it. Is it the format I don't like, or the tracks I don't like? Haven't figured it out yet.

*Whether I'll change my mind on the 2 track format for BC41 remains to be seen. I'm already in love with BC41 T4's second track. Boom by P.O.D. - 'Is that all you got, I'll take your best shot, I'll take your best shot!" The ESK is back!

T5 - Tutti Frutti
I think this track is a crowd favourite, judging from all the 'whoooos' when they all throw up their hands during the double jab sequence. I find it rather enjoyable teaching this track, so I'm definitely keeping this track in mind.

T6 - Burn It To The Ground
I find this track quite challenging to the legs and seems like never-ending, but this track really grew on me. Started out liking this track the least when we launched, but the more I do, the more I enjoy it.

T7 - Speed
This is my favourite track of the release. Trust me, this track is tough on the instructor! When I was doing it as a participant, I didn't really feel it, but whenever I teach it, I get really breathless. My favourite line of the track '1, 2, 3, 4, got the joker, shoot the score!'

T8 - Set You Free
I hate this track. Firstly, I'm no big fan of recycled songs from prior releases, and secondly, I actually think the choreo for this track sucks. It pales in comparison to BC20's Set You Free. That was the classic one which can really get everyone high. I'm sorry, D&R, I love all the work you guys put in and you guys clearly are a class apart from N&G, but surely there was no need to do a remix of a BC classic that was not as good. There's too much aimless running in this track. But I'll still recycle this track once in a while though.

T9 - Let It Rock
The usual conditioning track which I have no comments, though I quite like the song.

T10 - Use Somebody
Loved this cooldown, mainly because of the song. I think the soft kata suits the song well.

Overall opinion on BC40 - Not one of my favourite releases but still quite a good workout. It's been a while since the MT track was my favourite track, cos the other tracks in my opinion haven't been outstanding. What made it special was the 10th anniversary of BC, and we had a little celebration class to celebrate the release and Eric's and my birthday, with food, drinks and cake after that.

Know this review may come shocking to some cos I did present the release during the entire 2 weeks like it was the next best thing in the world and I really loved it. But it's my job to be fair to the release and let it run its course and let the participants decide for themselves if they like the tracks or not.

And me not liking so and so tracks doesn't mean I won't do it in class again. For instance, how many actually know that I don't like 'U R My Phantasy'? I still don't like it but I keep playing it cos members like it, and it's important to mix and match myself so I don't get bored doing the same old tracks.

Meanwhile, looking to BC41!

Temptations Yet Again

To cut a long story short, Singapore Airlines is offering special promotion for Citibank cardholders (yes I am one)

Book between 7-17 July for travel 1-31 August 2009. However the dates will miss the first filming day on July 30.

Singapore to Auckland at only $998 all inclusive. And we are talking about a ticket which I paid as much as $1900++ for. ARGH!!!! I wish I had more leave!

Monday, July 6, 2009


I don't play tennis myself but I love watching tennis. It's my second favourite sport to watch. So, I just witnessed on TV history being made, Roger Federer accumulating 15 Grand Slam titles, but the latest - Wimbledon 2009 - was won only after an incredible 16-14 score in the final set over Andy Roddick.

I should be feeling delighted cos I do like Federer and want him to achieve that record, but I felt a little sad for Andy Roddick. Unlike the former, this could be Roddick's last chance to win a Grand Slam title, while you just know Federer will keep going on.

When I first watching tennis, it was Pistol Pete for me, then came the likes of Andy Roddick, Marat Safin, before I started to appreciate the play of Roger Federer. I initially didn't like him a lot cos he kept beating all my favourite players, but I do give credit when it's due.

My dream final all along was Andy vs Roger. Andy Roddick that is, not Andy Murray. So when it came true, I was happy. Now I realised how difficult it is to watch a final where you don't want either player to lose.

Andy Roddick played really really well today. He had his chances, and I'm quite sad to see him distraught after the defeat. He has been in great form recently.

Tennis is a cruel game, someone has to lose. But I still love watching it all the same.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Pics From The Birthday Combat Event

A big thanks to the participants who came and made this event a success. Grateful to all those who helped out and assisted in taking pictures.

No time to do captions, just some shots from the event. If your picture is here and you want it removed, please let me know.













I had a fantastic time!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Strange Coincidence

Life is full of strange coincidences sometimes. Earlier this year, when I was thinking about getting a car, I did have the intention to bid for a car number, which is also my mobile number.

When the numbers were released for bidding, I was really tempted to bid cos the carplate number with my mobile number ends with a 'Z' right at the back. Z for my name. How cool that would be. In the end, I decided not to bid for the number to save some money, considering the minimum bid is $1,000.

My dream car is the Audi A4, which was love at first sight for me when I went into the showroom. I did my sums and I reckoned that it would be too extravagant to spend in excess of $130,000 on a car, especially with it being my first one, so I gave that idea up anyway.

A couple of days back, while driving out of the carpark, I saw a very nice Audi A4 right in front of me. Then when I scanned the number, I was stunned. It was the exact number that I had wanted to bid for. My dream number on my dream car. I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous. I wanted that car and car number so badly!

But everyone should learn to be contented. I'm really happy with my current ride. No complaints whatsoever and I love everything about it, so I guess the story ends here. Just felt very strange about the entire thing altogether.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Birthday Bodycombat

BODYCOMBAT 40 (Celebrating 10 years of BODYCOMBAT)

Activity: Full release of BODYCOMBAT 40
Venue: Suntec City
Date: 26 Jun 2009
Time: 7:30pm - 9:30pm (pls allow some time for setup and preparation, and cake-cutting)
Instructors: The Birthday Boys
Theme: Happy Birthday
Dress code: School PT-kit (pri sch/sec sch/JC/poly/uni are all welcome) or even school uniform is fine

We will be doing the cake-cutting after the class, and there will also be some finger food provided, so pls do stay back after the class is over to mingle around!

It is Bodycombat's 10th birthday, and we want to re-live the feeling of being 10 again, so your support will be very much appreciated! Pls help to pass the message to any members who might be interested to join this celebration!

Monday, June 15, 2009

10 years of Bodycombat

Jun 26 - Mark this date down in your calendar.

Make your way to STC gym at 7:30pm for a special event. There will be a special celebration to mark Bodycombat's 10th year anniversary... and Eric's birthday!

More details to follow...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Back From Europe

I just came back from Europe yesterday. Feeling slightly jet-lagged though. It's been a good trip, and after this trip, I must include London under one of my favourite cities along with Paris. I didn't get to explore London much from my previous trip - purely business where I spent most of my time at meetings.

There's so much about London that I enjoy - no language barrier, its a vibrant city, and the football culture there is great. The only thing about London is that everything is freaking expensive.

The interesting thing about London is that while we were there, the Tube drivers went on strike! That made transport very difficult and we had to rely on buses and our feet to travel. And the tube drivers are earning 40,000 pounds a year, with a 36-hr work week and get 43 days of annual leave. Amazing. If I had 43 days of annual leave, I'd be very very happy.

The highlight of my trip has to be Paris, before going London. I deviated from the tour group and went to Roland Garros on my own to catch the French Open singles final! I didn't have any tickets before hand, so I bought them from the black market, some African guys were selling tickets outside the stadium. I paid 300 Euros for the ticket to watch Roger Federer beat Robin Soderling to create history. Watching arguably the best tennis player ever live is an experience that can't be bought. Some people think it's expensive, but I think it's well worth it.

Well, I love doing these sort of things, watching live events, and even going all the way to NZ to do filmings, which explains why I keep doing it. It's an expensive habit but I don't really spend much on other stuff anyway.

Now that I'm back, it's still a challenge adjusting to the hours, here I am wide awake at past midnite, and I still have lotsa things to unpack and settle, not to mention spending some time at the gym on Sunday afternoon, which in my opinion was well worth the time and effort. Those of you who were there will know what I mean. Loved the energy though.

When the dust is settled, I'll have to come back to reality again.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Cancellation Of Class

To all you hardcore Combatters,

Pls take note that my Bodycombat class on 1st Jun at China Square Central (8:30pm) will be cancelled due to system breakdown. Please pass this message to anyone who might be thinking of attending the class.

Other classes are cancelled too, till 3rd Jun. Pls check online schedule for latest updates.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

FC Barcelona 2 Man Utd 0

The best thing about waking up in the wee hours of the morning is to see your favourite team clinch the Champions League. I'm so happy now!

Right now, I don't know if I'm happier because my favourite team won, or its the fact that it's managed by a rookie coach who won the treble in his first year, and the rookie coach Guardiola happens to be one of my favourite players all the way back in the 90s.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Roland Garros

I'm watching last matchday of the EPL season and I'm switching channels and watching Day 1 of Roland Garros concurrently.

Then it occurred to me that on the last day of the tournament (ie Day 15 - Jun 7), when the Men's Singles Final will be played, I'll actually be in Paris itself. I didn't realise! I should have bought tickets earlier. Now I have to sleuth around to see if I can get some last minute tickets. How often do I get to be in the city itself during final day?

The prospect of watching a potential mouth-watering Rafael Nadal vs Roger Federer final. I'm rooting for Federer though.

If not, maybe Melbourne next year for Australian Open...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Mega Combat 2009

Mega Combat 2009 (May 30th)

Have you signed up for it yet? If not, you should. Please register at the club counters and get your lucky draw coupon! Remember to register early for your goodie bag!

It's the biggest combat event of the year for all BC fanatics, come and 'soak' in the atmosphere (pun intended). There will be lotsa laughs, entertainment and fun coming your way.

Let me see if I can dig some old pics out...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Struck 4D!

I struck 4D for the first time ever in my life, hahaha.

I'm no stranger to betting and gambling, I much rather prefer betting on football matches, and gambling at casinos, where there is a fair shot of winning.

4D and Toto? Fat chance. Which is why I seldom buy. It was only recently that I bought more regularly after getting my car. People always say must buy at least 1 month and I have been buying for about 2 months already (yes my car already 2 months old), $200-300 flushed down the toilet each week, which makes me wonder why I even indulge. I guess I was inspired by a colleague from another department who struck $250,000 after getting his ride. And one of my campmates during NS days did strike $100,000 with his car number too. Haiz, no such luck for me.

So it was a surprise that I struck, in fact I didn't even realise it until I was clearing my wallet today, and I saw some tickets from Sunday.

Well, it's a small amount, less than what I get for conducting a one hour class. But I'm not complaining!

If I strike the $5m TOTO (solo winner) I will take a one-year vacation and tour the world. Which includes going to Auckland 4 times a year. On SQ business class. I wish...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


There's a new song ringing in my head. Prior to my Auckland trip, it was the infectious 'Poker Face' by Lady Gaga, but after my return, I can't stop listening to Beyonce's Halo.

It's not that I've not heard this song before stepping into NZ, but something did cause me to listen to it in greater detail, and the more I listened to it, the more I loved it! All BC fans should listen to it too!

Out of curiousity, I went to google and wiki the song, and found some interesting snippets. The song was actually written by Ryan Tedder (of OneRepublic). That's the band who gave us BC38's cooldown - Say(All I Need) and he also penned two blockbusters - Apologize (One Republic) and Bleeding Love (Leona Lewis).

Even more interesting was the fact that Halo was written with the intention of letting Leona Lewis sing it, but due to her busy schedule, she had no time to record it. So our dear songwriter here decided to give it to Beyonce instead because he didn't want the song hanging around. Who knows, it may not even be recorded and dumped. What a waste that would have been.

Similar to another famous song, Umbrella (by Rihanna) which was supposed to have been written for Britney Spears, the 'second choice' did a fantastic job on it.

I got a feeling that this track will be a regular feature for me.

Friday, May 8, 2009


I am starting to like BC40 more and more. Having watched the video yet again, I think this release is power-packed with heavy sounds. This release is NOT EASY. When I was doing it during the GFX workshop, I was super shagged out and I was half wondering if it was because I did too many classes. But now I realise the release by itself is tough!

Prior to the start, there was a clip showing the previous releases, some random ones from BC1 to BC20 from N&G days and as they showed little parts from BC21 to BC40 release by release, it brought back all those memories one by one. Those hours spent watching the releases, and seeing 'how far we've come'. It is almost unbelievable that I will have been doing BC for more than 5 years (as participant and instructor).

Some snippets of the new release
- Katy Perry's Hot n Cold for the lower warm up is catchy and fun.
- there was a shoutout for 'Singapore' by Hernan in T2.
- T3 music is wildly addictive and keeps on ringing in my head... sweetheart sweetheart...
- T4's timing is tricky (for instructors to cue)
- T6 is possibly the toughest ever T6. No way is this a recovery track.
- T7 the Muay Thai, u either love it or u hate it.
- The cooldown is just oh-so-beautiful.

And not forgetting one last thing. Dan & Rach asked clubs to video the BC40 launch and submit the entries. The best launch will get a prize... and the prize is D&R will fly all the way to the club to do a masterclass. How cool would that be!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Releases

During this trip to Auckland, I concentrated mainly on 4 programmes - BA, BB, BC and BJ. With the filmings and workshops all cramped into 2 days on Fri and Sat, it was physically impossible to attend all the classes. I chose to focus my energy and time on these 4 programmes because I like them better than the rest.

I reached Auckland only on Wed evening, so there was only 1 full day (Thu) to attend as many classes as I could and I obviously wanted to attend as many as possible before the official filmings, so I squeezed in 4.5 classes in one day. That nearly killed me cos I have not done classes for so long.

First up was Bodybalance and I was quite happy they did the rehearsal for BB46. Haven't really gotten into the feel of the music but one familiar song made it as the hamstring track. Leona Lewis' Run (cover of Snow Patrol's original) which was used in BB30 and it was also my examination track when I was trained in that release. 16 releases ago. Goodness, have I been trained in BB for 4 years already? The presenters were the same familiar faces - Jackie Mills, Dr Dave, Corey as well as Josef (who was a guest presenter in BC27 and BB32). The other track which stood out was Annie Lennox's classic 'Why' for the Hip Openers. Beautiful.

Right after was Bodyjam 50 rehearsal and the presenters were Gandalf, Rach (of BC), and Indonesian Fetty from our very own Asia Pacific! I remember the first time I saw her present at a quarterly workshop, I told everyone that I was very impressed with her, and I'm not surprised to see how far she's made it. I'm happy for her even though I didn't know her personally. I thought she did a good job too. I was pleasantly surprised cos I thought Gandalf would actually do the rehearsal only in the evening class rather than the afternoon class.

BJ50 has some Latin samba block (don't know what it's called) which I reckon is to coincide with the GFX Carnival 2009 theme which is Brazilian samba. Then there's the Cardio Funk (Shabam) block and Tribal House which just rocked. BTW... guess what, there's the evasive side kick in Bodyjam! I just couldn't miss the cheeky look Gandalf gave Rach when they did that part.

Next up was Bodypump international team-teach by some Australian instructors. I actually set up everything, but I pulled the plug after 2 tracks because I was really tired and my mind was partly on the afternoon/evening session where I would be going for 2 1/2 classes.

Went for lunch, casino, then back to the gym for 4:30pm BC. It was BC41 rehearsal for the final time. I was kinda glad I could still make it in time for the final rehearsal cos frankly it wasn't easy for me to take leave, let alone come earlier. Comments about BC41 - they're using quite a bit of new material - meaning latest hits on radio. Wonder if they had to pay a bomb for the licensing. There's Kelly Clarkson, Flo Rida, Beyonce, at least these are the songs I know, and there's even a remix of a famous Romanian song.

Well, it's two for the price of one - there's not been an ESK for the longest time, and now we get it twice (in 2 programmes) haha. I love the MT track, not those techno electro sounds but more of an alternative rock track which happens to be a genre I like. It's still too early to make a judgement call if I like the release or not because I've only done it once.

I stayed for half a class of Bodyjam but Gandalf and a team of several instructors. They did BJ49, in preparation for the workshop. While I liked the tracks, the class wasn't too enjoyable because it was in the small studio (just like BC earlier) and it was super cramped! Couldn't move much and couldn't see some of the footwork by the instructors. But it's alright cos I intended to do only half a class because I wanted to do BA.

So I went up to Studio One to do BA66 rehearsal with Lisa, Grant, Nathan and Bevan. The first 2 tracks are remixes of two US number one hits by Lady Gaga and Britney Spears, good start and when I got to the plyo track in T4, I nearly died with all the plyometric lunges and this being my 4th and 1/2 class. There was a remix of Miley Cyrus Fly On The Wall, really addictive. The running track is the same but different remix of BC's upper body warm up (that Romanian song), and it was extremely fun with the 'ha-ha' and hand waves. Cooldown - one of my favourites Jason Mraz's I'm Yours. After the class, I was totally exhausted.

Guess these little snippets are indication that LM is paying top dollar for music and recent hits, I reckon all these top hits don't come cheap. Well, I'm definitely enjoying it, but I do wish they don't recycle too much music if they are paying double for using the same song in a separate programme.

Anyway, to the filming proper, it was more or less the same feelings and thoughts which I experienced in the rehearsals, but there were a few interesting things to note.

BB - Out of the so many Singaporeans who went, only Joanna and I attended the filming.
BJ - Rach wore a little hat and looked hot. Dan actually did BJ and was quite near my standing spot. I was standing beside JW and hopefully out of video sight. Really got into the release and had a lot of fun. Was sweating profusely after that because they covered the windows with black cloth to block the lighting and the energy was so high inside the studio.
BA - Lisa mentioned that Grant had a huge part to play in the music/choreo of BA in this release, and will be part of the future of BA. Succession plan in place? But Grant's really good in BA anyway.
BC - Theme for this release - Backyard Brawl. Surprisingly, no guest presenter, but atmosphere was great. Couple of retakes due to technical fault. Everyone up for it.

After the filmings, it was the GFX workshops. In fact after Fri filmings, there was some sort of opening for the Brazilian themed Carnival which included a drag queen, some dance performance, Nike fashion show and LM clothing fashion show.

I was a little disappointed with the time management because the filmings had MASSIVE delays, yes it deserved CAPS, and it seems time after time they do not allocate sufficient time and there's always overruns.

The opening seemed to end abruptly and the next thing we knew it was BB45 workshop. I was still in my sweaty clothes right after BJ and wasn't in the right attire to attend BB. So I had to give that a miss.

Workshops for other programs were alright. For BC, the NZ instructors led us with BC40. My first take was it was a good release, but I still needed a few more tries to get the hang of it. The music didn't sink in instantly perhaps with the exception of a couple of tracks - Lower Body warm up 'Hot n Cold' and 'Tutti Frutti'. T4 was a blast for impact but the timing was extremely tricky. The immediate reaction of some of the Singaporeans was that they preferred BC40 to BC41. For myself, not so sure. I think I prefer BC41?

BJ49 was absolutely fantastic. It was the last prog to finish out the workshop and they turned off virtually all the lights so it really felt like it was at a dance club. Gandalf is really doing a great job with the direction for BJ. I actually like block choreography for BJ as compared to individual tracks.

After BJ, it was the ill-fated Carnival party which I didn't attend no thanks to my carelessness for forgetting my wristband, but it was overall very exciting. It was a blast! I am looking forward to going back again!

Just adding this paragraph on BC40. After seeing the DVD for the new release, I must say that this release is actually quite good. I'm liking it more than my initial thoughts. Hopefully watching the videos a few more times will give me some new inspiration.

Back From Auckland

I'm back in Singapore! Landed this morning and I thought I better write something because I know once I get back to work, this entry won't come or it will only come 2 weeks later. It has been a good week in Auckland, I enjoyed myself there immensely (gym, casino, lotsa rest) and it's time to come home and face reality again.

While I was in Auckland, I did write many entries as drafts, preparing to post them here, but the more I read through them again, the more I thought I better leave these unadulterated entries out. Too much of my personal feelings and emotions attached to these entries.

Truth is, in this short period, there were many thoughts and reflections going through my head, I was thinking of many things and as they came, I just wrote them into my laptop.

This time round, there are much less pictures than before (if I intend to upload any in the first place). Few reasons - stricter controls by the filming staff this time, bad timing schedules which left everyone in a rush and with no time for pics and of cos laziness, there were several times I just left my camera in my bag. It would be unfair to say that I have lost enthusiasm because I still love attending filmings otherwise I wouldn't go all the way there again.

As I'm writing this, my thoughts are starting to drift as well. I think I'll leave the fitness part of my trip in a separate entry, so people who are only interested in the releases can read that, and they don't have to read all these gibberish here.

This time round, there was a little Singaporean contingent there. Total number of people from Singapore amounted to double digits. I'm not going to say who was there, just do some sleuthing around the internet and you will see pictures galore. And right before BC41 filming started, Rach even made a joke... "Singapore must be empty by now"

Given that this trip is not solely for filming but for my own vacation, I shall make some comments on the flight and hotel.

Flight - Took business class flight on SQ to Auckland, it was fantastic. The plane was quite empty in fact, only 6 of us in entire business cabin and lotsa more empty seats at the back, looks like economy is affecting travel? But the return flight was full! And I travelled economy on that so it paled in comparison after the wonderful flight experience there. On the way there, everything went so smoothly, I had a good sleep, I was one of the first to leave the plane, cleared immigration early, and my baggage came out almost instantly and I was on the cab to the hotel in no time at all.

Hotel - The hotel (Sky City) was a big disappointment. There was no broadband cable or remote control for the TV, and when I requested for them to be delivered to my room, the staff was exceptionally grumpy. When I called room service at 2am, no one picked up despite the fact it's 24 hrs. And I didn't call once, but three times in 5-10mins interval. Was absolutely famished and a hungry man is an angry man. The reason why I chose Sky City was because it's where the casino is at. My last 2 trips there I stayed at svc apartments replete with washing machines/dryers (especially important if you go gym alot), microwave oven, large fridge, etc, but somehow I didn't fancy walking all the way back after my late night casino trips with lotsa cash in my pocket. Heard from locals crime rates have picked up so I didn't feel secure.

Casino - I could write a long entry detailing my adventures in the casino, but I would bore you guys to death. Let's just say that I made this trip free again. I am quite happy to keep on visiting Auckland again because I seem to have some decent luck here. Unlike Macau... And also I attribute my winnings to discipline. Once I win and hit my desired target, I stop and consolidate my position. I know the winning streak is not going to go forever. And I stick to my own personal rules, never bring all my cash or a single ATM card to the casino, and quit the table once I lose 3 times in a row. So far the strategy has worked so I'm not going to stop.

Cost of living - Given that I was here twice last year, prices haven't really changed that much, given the recession I would have thought prices would fall but no they haven't. A taxi ride from airport to city costs me NZD70 (ridiculously expensive) but I got it back from the casino anyway. Meals about NZD10-15 per meal. The only thing is cos the portions are huge, I am ok to survive on 2 meals a day.

Les Mills gym - Sometimes I wonder if the locals realise how lucky they are because so much money is being pumped in into the gym on a global scale. Each time I come, I see more and more money being spent in the gym. The marketing images, posters, banners, they don't come cheap and you only have to admire how they could have made such a vast leap if they didn't have the funding. Just look at the recent DVD packs and anyone could tell the difference.

But what hasn't changed is the professionalism of many of the instructors I see. They take pride in their teaching and they keep their body fit. Exemplary role models and it's easy to see that this is the epicentre of fitness revolution. It was my pleasure to attend classes from their local instructors who were presenters in some of the releases).

I attended quite a few. Eg, BC from Grant (BA presenter but his BC technique was awesome), BA from Mark Sinclair (that man is a little scary and looks like he's capable of fitness torture), BJ twice with Chris (BJ presenter) and I enjoyed all the classes I attended.

I especially like Chris' BJ because I like his style, there's usually not much Latin/Samba music which I don't really appreciate, but more house/club music. Somehow the tracks that he played are all those that I liked! The highlight was doing the UF-Oh block on the first class and the Contemporary Rock on the second class. I love the Contemporary Rock block but no BJ instructor in Singapore seems to like that. They always keep doing the old stuff - pre Gandalf - which I don't exactly appreciate.

International fanatics - There was quite a sizeable Japanese contingent over there this time round, not surprising given the NZDJPY is at such a low now which means the japanese can stretch their yen much further. Got acquainted with a few Japanese who were not instructors but because they like the LM programs so much, they make an effort to go all the way there. Kudos to them.

Besides that, this filming is a little more packed than the last one because it coincides with the GFX, which is their quarterly workshop, which means we got to attend the new releases as well. So it's two for the price of one, BC41 filming and BC40 workshop and the list goes on...

And talking about two for the price of one, we also have the ESK back in BC41... and it's in BJ50 too! Will talk about that in the next entry.

Carnival - In conjunction with the GFX and filmings, there was a Carnival party going on. I made a huge boo-boo, after all the filming classes, I went back to my hotel deposited my bags and returned to the gym without my wristband. Wasn't allowed entry unless I pay the $30 entrance fee or I go back to the hotel to retrieve my wristband. So I just cut my losses and went back to the hotel where I had fun in the casino instead.

There you have it for now, I'm going to stop here and rest for a while before I post another entry about the releases. I'll add on more if I can remember.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

7 Days

Here I am again. No I haven't forgotten about this blog, it's just that I've been so busy that I haven't had time to write anything or post anything worthy of an update even though there's been lotsa things happening. What's new right... ZJ is either busy at work or stressed. True. True.

I've been following the comments on the previous post fervently, but sad to say, I have not indicated interest to conduct any special PH class on Labour Day... This is because one week from now, I'll be on a flight to Auckland! I am so looking forward to it and eagerly anticipating. Just one more week. Four more working days.

It could have been so different. Monday, my boss asked me into his office and asked if I could cancel my leave. I was momentarily stunned. It's not that I haven't done my work, there's always work to be done every single day, and we do find covers while we are away, but it's just that the team needs all the extra manpower right now.

There was a moment when I really wanted to be gung-ho and offer to cancel my leave but I reckoned that all the administrative hassle and the severe disappointment of missing this trip would be too much to bear.

While I do make the occasional grumble about working hours and stress, truth is to a certain extent I do like what I am doing now, and also at my age, I want to make as much moolah as possible so I can go for early retirement. And right now I do need a lot of moolah to be able to pursue my passion of LM and travel, so the best thing to do is to travel for LM purposes right? I honestly don't think I can be doing what I am doing now at the age of 40. I would be super drained by then. But times are really bad, and all our jobs are at peril now, so it would be most prudent not to play punk and stick out like a sore thumb.

And speaking of work, I realise I do have a great bunch of colleagues and I do treasure them. In fact coming back from a vacation from Bangkok over the Good Friday weekend really did us good. 11 of us spent a fantastic time there. We really recharged ourselves well - a couple of nice seafood dinners, meals at high class Thai restaurants for about S$40, massages, shopping, etc.

It was great, so much so that I wanted to go for the quarterly workshop in BKK in May again. Luckily I did not follow up on that, because the workshop date clashes with Mega Combat and also, I'll be doing the workshop/new releases in NZ anyway. A big DUH to myself for forgetting all these! Thanks to JW and WL for reminding me.

Now talking about workshops, I just received some 'spoilers' from an instructor in Australia who attended the Sydney FILEX workshop over the weekend. I AM SO DAMN JEALOUS! I got some snippets on BC and BB... and I can't wait.

Then there's my Europe trip in June. My mum is worried because they haven't filled the numbers for the trip departure to be confirmed. She's worried that we don't have ample time to make alternative arrangements and I've got to settle that before I depart for Auckland. Actually, I'm kinda neutral even if we don't go this time round. After BKK, I do feel recharged so I don't really need this NZ trip to recharge (but I still wanna go nevertheless), and I'm sure after I come back from NZ, I don't really need to go for a holiday so soon. What more, I'm paying for my whole family, so I'll probably get a refund for this trip hehehe... I'm looking at some shares to buy.

I just think there's so many things to do and so little time. I haven't even started preparing to pack for NZ yet. 7 days to clear everything.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Thanks to everyone who came along and made the 2 hour class full of energy and fun. I enjoyed myself tremendously.

Enjoy your long weekend!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I Wish

I finally got my breather today, thanks to a 2-day course which I was slated to attend. It was nice not to look at markets for a while, nice not to do any work or touch my PC and looking at the list of to-dos.

A few of us team-mates are suffering from exhaustion and burnout. My colleague B always says that we need to get out every 2-3months to refocus. And this time we really need this little getaway to recharge. I've already made my intention clear... No shopping for me, but I will be joining for group meals.

Thanks to the course, which ended at 5pm, I finally had the chance to re-live what it feels like to 'knock off' at 5pm. I deposited my barang barang at STC gym and instead of hitting the machines straight, I actually took a walk around the shopping area, not to buy anything, but just to absorb the mood... feels shiok.

Went back to the gym to attend 1830 Bodyjam by Rhomeiny and then 1930 Step II by Jonathan. I was extremely exhausted after the back-to-back classes. Wonder if age has caught up with me. Didn't used to feel tired after 2 classes last time.

Somehow I think my body has become too conditioned with BC already. Even when I conduct a class or two over the weekends, I don't feel this sort of tiredness. I really do need to attend some other classes to inject some variety in my exercise and to shock my system for a while.

I really do think it's a vicious cycle. I'm tired and lethargic from work, so I don't exercise. When I don't exercise, my fitness drops and I start feeling more lethargic. Truth is, I really do need to allocate some time for a jog or start hitting some weights. But it really is very difficult to carry myself to the gym at about 8-9pm. That's when you see fellow gym-goers all showered up and ready to have dinner.

Today's course was one of those management courses... where they talk about effective lifestyle habits, and needless to say, time management is one of them. I really think I need to manage my time better. There are too many things to do, and too little time.

I have so little time for myself to sort out my thoughts.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Attending Classes

I always find it amusing when I attend other instructors' classes and members start asking me questions like 'how come you're here?', 'i didn't know you come for class', 'i didn't know you do this class', etc. Do people usually presume that instructors don't attend other instructors classes? No true leh.

This afternoon, I attended Jo's class at STC and had a few such questions. Hey, I love attending classes too! Only those really really old birds would know that I was a regular for Jo's class a few years back before I became an instructor. Used to either do Min Chao's BB downstairs or Martin's Multi-Step before BC (previously 4:15pm timeslot). Been through the period when Esther took over the class for a while before Jo came back.

Back in those days, I had as much fun as everyone else and was shouting as much from my regular spot beside the window overlooking the gym. Nowadays I don't shout because I try to preserve my voice for my own classes. When I was in uni all the way to my first job when I was clocking 5:30pm days, I had the luxury of time to attend many classes every week. A typical week would consist of 6 BC, 3-4 BP, 3 BB and 1 freestyle step class. No cycle cos I tried a few classes but it didn't quite work for me. I'm sure some of you hardcore fanatics can absolutely relate to the schedule that I just mentioned.

After I became an instructor, I was conducting 5 classes a week, and instructing is definitely more tiring than just doing, so I cut down on many of the classes except for 1 or 2 BB a week, which ultimately got reduced to a big fat zero. What really disappointed me was the BB classes being removed from the schedule as more and more yoga classes were added on. (Sorry, but yoga doesn't do it for me, not the way BB does). A well-respected yoga instructor once told me that Singaporeans mindset of yoga is so wrong - they are obsessed with achieving certain poses when it's about training the mind. I really get in touch with my thoughts in BB, which is why I love it so much.

Due to my work schedule now, I'm on 2 classes a week (going to be 3 from this month onwards) after giving up my weekday classes, but its definitely a far cry from what I was used to doing. Judging from that, one shouldn't be too surprised to see me at the studio attending other classes! I definitely need those extra workouts.

There is a huge difference between attending classes and conducting classes. As an instructor, it's not about me, but about the crowd. I have to do it for the class, I have to bring up the energy, I have to talk and give verbal cues and pre-cues. As a participant, it's all about me. It's my own workout to achieve. I complete each set of choreo as they come along, and you will never see me performing pre-cues because I will respect the instructor who is conducting the class.

Even in the good old days, I never stuck to one instructor. I like to expose myself to different styles, presentations and interpretations (this for me is the most important because I realise all instructors interpret tracks differently). And going for different instructors meant that I get to experience different tracks because there are some instructors who prefer to stick with the same playlist for the entire week. And instructors typically will have their favs and no-nos, so if you stick to the same one, you'll miss out on a lot.

The only time when instructors' interpretation of the track is the same is when they undergo the same training, where the trainer delivers his/her interpretation and it gets carried across. Once we are cleared, we're on our own. We get our DVDs, we learn the music and moves ourselves and we add in certain performances on our own. This makes each track unique under a different instructor. And we have to adapt what we say to a local context. I don't think many people will understand what I'm trying to say if I copy wholesale from the DVD and say phrases such as 'like grasshopper on rice paper, leave no footprints!'.

Out of the 5-6 BC classes that I attended, there were different personalities and styles brought across from the various instructors - CUTESY, TECHNICAL, FUN, TOUGH, RELAXED. The different styles I was exposed to made me understand why some instructors don't do certain tracks - it's because some tracks just don't fit their style! Just like there are songs which doesn't fit my style and will be recycled less... not telling which ones though...

During today classes, Jo did a few of her trademarks. One of which being BC07's Jump (the jump jab cross with the wild swing of the arms). Her personality is totally suited for this track, and honestly I think she presents this the best our of everyone. I would say she 'owns' this track. I love doing the track, I did it in a couple of my classes but it's just not me. I just can't bring out the 'fun' essence in this track as much as Jo does.

Then there was 'Field of Dreams' from BC23. This was the first ever BC track that I fell totally in love with. I do like many BC tracks, but this was the first one which really made me look forward to doing it in each class. I just simply could not get tired of this track. Just doing this track brought back many memories when I would shout 'ENERGY' together with my little Combat gang, but unfortunately the gang has disintegrated as some of us have moved on (from PF/TF) and I have made the transition to teaching. When I am teaching that track, it's a totally different feeling altogether so I do love all these memories. Very Cancerian of me.

Just recently, I had dinner with J, one of my ex-Combat gang and we just talked about the good old days. There was so much to savour and so many good memories. They linger deep within because these are memories of fun and laughter. A few years ago, who would have thought that I would venture here and take this path, 'chasing the dream' and doing crazy things on stage and going all the way to NZ for filmings? All for a part-time hobby?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Welcome April

It's been such a long time since I welcomed the start of the month. All slates wiped clean, everything resets to zero and we're all ready to go again.

Last day(s) of the month are always crazy days for me. The tension has been building up for quite a while and I'm so glad we're out of it. I've been telling myself that I really needed to get thru these 2 difficult months (Feb/Mar). What more, today was the last day of the quarter, so it was madness.

I have not gotten a proper break/holiday since end Jan (CNY). And when I say break, I don't mean the kind where you go overseas and walk around non-stop with no rest. That was what my HK trip in Feb was all about, walking around non-stop and I felt totally exhausted when I returned.

It's very difficult for anyone to step in my shoes to understand the kind of pressure and stress I go thru at work every single day. I worry about my own business targets, I worry about my job, I worry about market levels, I worry about positions for other people, and yet I don't worry about my own positions. Now I have a baby to worry about.

Sometimes when I hear traders earning alot of money, I don't begrudge them because I can just imagine the tremendous stress they go through. I'm not a trader, I don't earn that kind of moolah, but I'm not complaining because I'm seriously not sure if I can withstand that level of stress.

All these are reasons why I love BC so much. It's the only programme for me where I can unleash all my frustrations and relieve all my stress. It's quite difficult to do BA or BJ without a smile on your face. Seriously, how can anyone smile at the end of a rotten day at work when markets go against you and you get screwed by your clients. Not one, not two, but many many!

One reason why I look forward to Apr - two breaks. First up, I'll be going to BKK with my colleagues on the Good Friday weekend. My team has been talking about going for holidays but we always have to stagger our leave to make sure we've covered. It is so rare that we have a PH on Fri where many of us can take leave together. It was rather expensive because we booked late. This time round, I'm definitely going to chill out and just relax.

I'll actually be flying out later than the rest because I committed myself to a 2hr BC class on Good Friday at Parkway. I could have turned down the class, but I thought I wanted to do the class then take a night flight out. Dedications welcome (pls either sms me or leave me a msg at LM or here) but restricted to BC21-39. I plan to do an 'old school' class sometime soon, so leave it for that.

My second trip, needless to say - Auckland. This is the holiday that I'm so so so looking forward to. NZ is really my idea of a holiday. The pace there is much slower, I get positive vibes when I'm there, I don't need sightseeing, I'd rather stay in a hotel/apt, and go gym or casino whenever I feel like it.

Just checked my mileage, I've got enough miles to go for 2 more SIN-AKL return trips, so I don't think Apr will be my last time, subject to leave.

At the moment, I think I could do with a break.