Thursday, August 27, 2009

Purple Haze

This evening, a chat with someone (whom shall not be named, a la Harry Potter style) jolted my memories back to 2008.

I don't know what happened, but the conversation came to BB, and I suddenly remembered this particular track during the Global Summit (Feb 2008) from BB41. It's titled Purple Haze.

As I had not gone for the any of the rehearsals, it was my first time doing that track. And I was sure many of the hundreds of the trainers in the filming class was doing it for the first time too.

What I remembered were the goose pimples that came up as the track concluded, and I was very sure I wasn't the only one feeling that. Nobody in that filming class could have missed the vibes in the air.

I wonder if anyone else remembers...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No clue about Purple Haze. How about Purple Daze? :P