Thursday, May 1, 2008

2 hr BC / Gathering

It's Labour Day today, and I had quite a fulfilling day. The earlier part of the day was spent at the Parkway Parade gym before I headed over to Jean's place for a potluck gathering.

I went for Martin's Step II at 12pm... got 'sabo-ed' by him in the class... tsk tsk. Then I just hanged around in the gym before my 2hr BC class starting at 2pm. Initially, I was wondering if anyone would be coming for my class given the late timing, but in the end quite a few people came, so I was reasonably pleased with the turnout.

I did an Old School vs New School theme, which meant that I did N&G tracks (until BC20) for the first hr and then D&R tracks for the second hr (BC21 - present).

I even re-visited 3 tracks from BC35 - The United Vibe, You Can't Stop The Beat and That's Right, the latter two were received quite well. My Parkway crowd is quite good with the ginga (cos I keep drilling them), and I would say most people look cool doing it.

2 hr BC is always tiring so I was quite drained after class, but there's something about conducting classes that makes me happy. There's a satisfaction which I can't describe or put in words. Would definitely like to do this as long as I can.

After which, it was a mad rush to Jean's place for potluck. I brought along a sushi set from Sakae Sushi. Jean's place is quite far from me, but it was worth the trip as we had a fantastic time!

Some of the food we brought.
Pizza - Eric
Sushi set - ZJ (me lah)
Fried chix wing - Lynn
Potato salad - Weili
Satay and Old Chang Kee - Chris Boy & YY
Bacon with mushrooms, salad, brownie - Jean and her hubby KP(our host)
Ice-cream - Amy

(Front row - Jean, Lynn, Weili, YY, Standing - Me, Eric, Chris Boy)

(Left to right: YY, Chris, Me, Jean, Weili, Amy, Lynn, Eric) - Photo courtesy of KP who was not in picture.

Chris teaches BODYCOMBAT occasionally at American Club (AC).
I teach BODYCOMBAT at Planet Fitness, and hopefully BODYBALANCE soon.
Jean teaches BODYCOMBAT and BODYPUMP with PF, and some freestyle classes outside.
Weili teaches BODYPUMP with PF and BODYCOMBAT soon. She is also trained in BODYSTEP.
Amy teaches cycle with PF, and BODYPUMP and BODYBALANCE and freestyle classes outside.
Lynn teaches BODYPUMP and cycle with PF/AC. She is also trained in BODYSTEP/RPM and will be an upcoming BODYJAM instructor.
Eric teaches BODYCOMBAT and BODYPUMP and cycle with PF.

So with all these fitness freaks... what can we do together?

Binge! So unbecoming right... when we should be advocating healthy diets. And of course discuss the latest fitness trends and happenings and exchange fitness ideas.

It was fun! Thanks to Jean and KP once again for hosting us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excuse me, i never say i gonna teach bodyjam hor, saboKing! no.2 - i teach at more places other than PF/AC, which btw is not impt anyhow. no.3 - me is so ugly in those pics! take them down!! *lol :P

orite, wait till i'm free to update my blog with our better pics!