Friday, May 2, 2008

LM plan for 2008

One thing I like about LM is that there is always something to look forward to. New programs to pursue, even if I don't instruct. New releases, quarterly launches.

As with all jobs, once we get stuck in a routine, we will get sick and tired of it. So far I have been teaching classes for 1 year plus and I'm still loving every moment of it. There are times when I'm on the way to class and I'm grumbling... "Why did I take this class?", "I'm so tired...", "I don't want to wake up that early..."

But as I conduct the class, I feel the adrenaline, I feel the enthusiasm and I feel the satisfaction. That makes everything worth it.

My plan for 2008.
May - BP course (hopefully third time lucky. I registered two times before and had to withdraw due to overseas trips... I even paid the penalty of A$100 twice!)
Aug - Q3 Quarterly workshop (BKK or KL)
Nov - Filming for Q1/2009 releases in Auckland

How exciting. These are the things that keep me going for the time being.

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