Sunday, May 25, 2008

Another One Leaving

For years, I've been trying to figure out why I feel habitually depressed and even till now, I'm still struggling to find the answer. Is it just me or is it a common thing to all the crabs out there... Seems like so when I chat with some of my fellow crabs. We are all very crabby and get wild moodswings every single day!

My sec sch best friend msged me to ask me out for dinner, and dropped me a bombshell, saying that he was relocating to HK to work, and has no plans to come back.

The news took me by surprise, not so much of him leaving, but the fact that it will be in less than a month's time. The pace at which things happen nowadays is just scary.

We were chatting online, then it became a 2hr phone conversation. I actually felt a little sad that one of my close friends is leaving. Reality bites. I know that it's really going to be difficult to keep in regular contact and hang out together in future.

People come and go. I still haven't fully grasped this concept yet.


Anonymous said...

Think of it this way....people come and go but your friends will always be there when you need them. Though life goes on as usual and you don't get to see people that's important in your life often, they are in your heart. That's good enough ;)

Anonymous said...

Not only crab has constant mood swing and feeling depressed.. As a Leo, i'm also constantly having the same feeling... have been asking myself this question for the longest time.. "what is life?".. although i still can't get an answer and i don't know whether there is a answer... but life goes on... mayb that's an ans? :)

stay happy and appreciate each day! :)