Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Too Many Things, Too Little Time

Just back from HK over the weekend, and I'm super duper tired right now. For a start, I did miss my 'me' time, and being in HK with around 40 people I know, that hardly constitutes 'me' time. I usually catch up on sleep during weekends so I'm a little deprived right now.

I should be sleeping now, but blogging is just therapeutic, so I just want to write my thoughts away. It's moments like these when I feel there's too many things and too little time.

Just a little NZ trip had me running around, settling on air tix/hotel bookings and I haven't even applied for leave yet.

Not to mention the little planned BKK getaway for the quarterly in Feb/Mar. Leave was all approved but waiting for all the 'erm i'm interested but let me think about it' really spoilt everything. Missed the cutoff date, and I haven't ordered my DVD packs yet so everything's in a mess. I can deal with mess of the physical kind, my room and office desk is a complete mess but I hate my life being in a mess. Unfortunately there's too many such things happening. And worst of all, this gym stuff is just a supplementary thing! It's not supposed to cause so much mayhem!

Now I've decided to call the whole thing off cos I may need to cancel my leave (sian 1/2) and also because my colleagues are thinking of BKK getaway during Good Friday weekend too.

In a way I am kinda glad I don't teach on Sundays. I do enjoy taking the class (thanks everyone who came and supported me that early on a Sunday morning, I appreciated it) but I do need the time to do my own things.

There's a big ticket item I'm looking at and I haven't even had the time to go look for it. At least I need to spend some time looking at it before I decide if I want to take the plunge. There are stocks I want to buy but I haven't had the time to look. Got people asking me to joint invest property, but I haven't had the time.

I've cut down on weekdays gym totally except for Monday, and I wonder where the rest of my weekdays go. Catching up on US markets in the late evenings, as if I haven't been looking at markets enough during the day. I'm fortunate enough to have a good memory BC for choreo so I don't have to spend that much time revising on my BC tracks for my weekend classes. That saves me a lot of time. Can't imagine having to spend time learning all that choreo.

In my relentless pursuit for career progression and monetary rewards, I sometimes wonder what I have compromised. Have I sacrificed time with people, with people I genuinely care about? Have I become a corporate slave?

I wish I had more time. And more sleep.


muifan said...

sounds like u HAVE become a corp slave, but nowadays who doesn't?
At least you still have time to pursue ur other interests, so, not so bad right?

Anonymous said...

you are just so "me, myself & mine" =)

Anonymous said...

can i just find out... are you covering xavier on mon for the time being till he's back (i hope he will come back)? Sorry for asking u here since there was no updates on the gx web

Zhengjie said...

covering xavier on ad hoc basis

not permanently.

Anonymous said...

Hi ZJ, nothing new to update us? too busy with work? write soon. :p