Saturday, January 10, 2009

Taking Stock

It's just one of those days when work hasn't exactly been smooth-sailing. I met up with some of my training mates for lunch to catch up.

During the conversation, the topic suddenly changed to fortune telling and the fortune teller we visited back during my training days in June. I wrote an entry about it.

I retraced what was predicted for me for 2008 and I can hardly believe how accurate the fortune teller was. This whole thing kinda slipped off my mind until today's conversation. I think I'm pretty content with how things are going thus far so I'm not going to roll the dice and court any trouble.

We had a farewell dinner for one of my colleagues who tendered his resignation. Unfortunately there will be no replacement hire so we will have to split the workload. I'm pretty much used to the current workload and once in a while I do have my unproductive days (like today) when I simply don't have any momentum.

At work, my job scope is pretty much generate revenue AND 'kio sai' (clear shit) so it can get draining at times. I've become immune to it and sometimes wonder how a temperamental person like me can detach emotions at the workplace.

During yesterday's year-end review with my boss, I cheekily asked if there was going to be any salary increment, when I knew the answer to my own question. I'm sure all you discerning readers know the answer too.


Anonymous said...

Can I have the contact details of the fortune teller?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I would also be very grateful if you could supply the contact details of the fortune teller. :)
