Thursday, September 18, 2008

Financial Turmoil

The financial markets are shrinking by the second and as everything unravels, it takes an extreme optimist to see the daylight.

Times are tough. Everyone is stressed up and in a foul mood because markets are clearly down and circumstances have driven us into a corner. The stress pimples are exploding and tempers are flaring.

I've already seen one round, and this is already a second round, only much worse.

Top 5 US investment banks - No 5 Bear Sterns got a bailout. No 4 Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy. No 3 Merrill Lynch sold itself to Bank of America.

News just in - Morgan Stanley approached Citi to merge but was rejected, and is now in the midst of selling a larger stake to China Investment Corp. If Goldman Sachs goes next, I seriously don't know what will happen.

With everyone so stressed up, one of my colleagues psycho-ed all of us to stop working and attend BC class at 8 plus. At least we all let off some steam...

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